The Second Age
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Quinus Lucinius Balbus

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Quinus Lucinius Balbus Empty Quinus Lucinius Balbus

Post  Yeorl Oakenleaf Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:51 pm

Character Name:
Quinus Lucinius Balbus

Character Alignment:
Lawful Good

Desired Elemental Affinity:

Place of birth/Origin:
Aveean, the lost city.

The Emperor and the Senate of the Feather.

Quinus is an Aer, the ancient race of Bird-men from the Munit plains.

Wing Legionnaire, Beneficiarius rank Optio.

Unlike most of his kin, Balbus has kept the same mate season after season and the two maintain that they are in love. Much to the chagrin of his parents, his lover: Priscilla Nubridius Equia. While it is said that Equia is among the most beautiful of the remnants, sporting a wide variety of colours in her feathers (Some from other lovers past,) when it was found out that she was unable to bear children - she was shunned by the community. Balbus met her when he was on guard duty for the senate, her family came before the senate with a complaint - he was enamoured by her wit and rhetoric. After his shift, he confronted her and the two were fast lovers and come the mating season partners. When people would complain to him about Equia, he'd stand dumbfounded arguing that she was the picture of 'Via pondera' a creature of both beauty and cunning.



Starting Inventory:
The standard equipment of all Wing Legionaries: An auxiliaries lorica-hamata, (Banded armour.) a Gallic Helmet and a short spear.

Among the Aer are many different 'familias' of Aer, each familia bearing the look of a lesser bird; Balbus is of family 'Noctua' (Owl). Balbus stands 5'11, not a particularly short Aer nor tall - most Noctua stand a similar height. His feathers are a brilliant white with the odd black specks, of course across his wings are tied with ribbons numerous coloured feathers - each from a mating with his lover; Priscilla Nubridius Equia. Balbus appears like a giant 'Snow Owl' with brilliant yellow eyes. (It is believed that the 'Nix Noctua', or Snow Owl breed of the Aer - were the only ones to settle the Circyin in ages past; And the famous 8th Wing Legion was at the time of the Tundras conquest entirely comprised of the 'Nix Noctua' who found themselves easily concealed among the snow, waging constant ambush warfare against the natives.)

Quinus Lucinius Balbus 7O5Q1

Combat styling:
Balbus like almost all Aer legionaries; favours the use of the spear and javelin. It is said that an Aer never misses, which you would think would cause them to carry bows - but due to the difficult nature of projectile weaponry being fired at the extreme speeds they fly; they've decided to stick with the spear and the javelin. Favouring the way their velocity builds momentum, adding to the power of their strikes similar to how a lance is couched when a Knight charges.

Character Personality:
Balbus is hasty and superbly loyal, he lives a diligent life in service of the Senate and the Emperor.
When it comes down to it, Balbus didn't join the army like many of his brethren, for vengeance against the Ironwood, to glorify the Aer, family tradition or urging from his parents; Balbus enlisted into the Wing Legions because when he was a child Meirn came to him in a vision. This vision is what shaped him as a person, he believed that his life was set aside by the gods to be used as a vessel for great good - so where else could he see the world and challenge the order of things but the army? Balbus unlike most of his brethren believe that deep down inside all beings have intrinsic good in them; but due to exterior circumstances people have been lead away from the light of justice. So he holds no grudge against the Ironers, in fact he pities them, believing that their Nameless Emperor is the sole reason they've been led aside and he secretly harbours the belief that he must slay the Nameless Emperor one day himself. He's been called by his family a romantic, which among the Aer in ages past may have been a compliment - but in this age of war and the decline; it is a dire insult. They believe that he is straying away from the path his ancestors need him to walk by dreaming of his life outside of Aveean and continuing his relationships with his lover Equia.

Ever since Balbus was a hatchling, his father used to petition the senate a great deal of things and would take Balbus with him. While a lot of the other children would play with one another bored by the verbal battles their parents waged in front of them - Balbus would sit on the marble floor of the senate in awe, he was completely enamoured by the clever word play of his Father and the senators. To him it was like a great war played out before him in their intricate rhetoric and their clever banter - since most Aer are trained in the art from a young age - he understood most of it. So from that there has always been a love of oration in his heart.

His father Acacius Alair Balbus, was when he served his term in the Senate, a member of the Militarist party. (Whose views was that the Aer, could not sit idly by while the Elves wages constant warfare alone against the Ironwood Imperium.) So from those views Balbus has come to hate the "cowardly" and "Un-Aer" views of the Isolation party. (Who believes that the Aer have done their best part on the world stage and must migrate together away from Darasum or; seclude themselves away from the other races in defeat, "prudently" so.)

Background Info:
Born and raised in Aveean the lost city, Balbus was a member of a wealthy family - both merchants and politicians. In his younger years, like almost all children of the Aer, he followed his father around and learned from him - in Aer society as the father imparts their ways on the hatchlings, so to do the teachers. He attended school and for the most part was typical of most Aer, he dreamed of the same things - he played 'Centurions and Avany' with the others and studied in the arts of his people; mathematics, rhetoric and tactics. While most children dream of joining the Emperors Wing Legions and gaining glory for the Remnants on the field of Battle - Balbus enlisted into the army for different reasons. When he was sixteen years old, Meirn came down to him in a vision - in this vision Meirn showed Balbus the future of Darasum; it was a horrible future one where all had been crushed by the Ironwood Empire, the city of Aveean lay hollow and abandoned as the few Aer left finally left Darasum, on the 'great migration' - leaving all of the other mortals to their fate. He was stricken with compassion for the Northerners and the Grand Elves who now found themselves subject to the Nameless Emperor, in the vision. He swore that he would work his way up the ladder of the Wing Legions and venture out into the world - believing that he was shown this vision, he believes that he was to act as harbinger to his people and a champion in the challenging days to come. Recently Balbus has been given the leave from Aveean that he has desired for many years, the Emperor sent him on a special task to the lands of the Grand Elves; the Aer political vacuum forcing his hand - the Emperor wishes to warn Highever in advance that they will aid them no more and are going to begin the 'Great Migration'. Balbus hopes he can seize the opportunity to find evidence of their being needed in Darasum, in order to sway the Emperor into staying.

RP sample:
The strong Aer on the throne adjusted the solid gold laurel wreath which circled around his dome, he was of the 'Dominus' familia and the last of them - an imposing bald eagle, while it was hard to tell when he was sitting on his throne - he had to be at least eight feet tall.
The two guards that flanked Balbus, rapped the blunt end of their spears on the ground twice before; taking a step back. Their scarlet coats flourishing - held back by the blue shield of the Remnants.
"Ave Caesar! Morituri te salutant." Balbus shouted buffing his chest out proud while raising one talon in the air to salute - among the Aer it was a sign of respect, and the words he uttered meaning that he was prepared to die; was a pledge of honour between a soldier and the Emperor.
The Emperor shifted on his throne a mirthful look in his eyes, he stood up from his throne and walked over to Balbus; who stood proudly at attention. It wasn't just anyone who got summoned by the Emperor - especially not just a lowly Optio. The golden toga which he wore across his mighty torso parted gracefully as he placed a friendly talon on the shoulder of Balbus.
"Hail to you as well Quinus!" He said joyfully, he had known Balbus when he'd been a child and before being placed 'Imperator,' the boys father and him had been friends - as well as staunch allies on the Senate floor. "It does my old eyes well to see you boy, it has been far too long. You've grown into a fine Aer, the spitting image of your father - save of course your father fought battles with his words; while you and I are more accustomed to the ways of war." While it was impossible for an Aer to smile, Balbus could feel the affection coming off of the old soldier. He wondered if it was hard being Caesar and realised that it probably was; what with the Aer so divided of late and the war reaching a boiling point with the Elves. The Emperor let out a sigh, realising that this was a meeting of business and that the two Aer did not have time to reminisce.
"You do me great honour Caesar."Balbus said formally, nodding his head in respect.
The Emperor looked down at him with sorrow in his eyes, it was impossible for him to be commander and chief of the military and expect friendship from his soldiers. He removed his talon from his shoulder and took a few steps back, his hands locked behind his back and his brow furrowed in thought. "Are you aware of why I have summoned you to my palace Quinus?" He asked slowly, so that he wouldn't have to repeat himself - it wasn't a gesture done because he felt Balbus was stupid; simply that there was hidden importance to those words.
"No my Caesar, I am not." Balbus replied, he was curious as to what the Emperor meant - how could he possibly know? Was he missing something?
"I've summoned you here because I have a task to ask of you - it is one of great importance and secret. If it were up to me I would not ask this of you, but I am advised by Aer I trust that you are perfect for the job." The Emperor explained, a tinge of pride seeping into his voice at the last part. He genuinely liked Balbus, he remembered when as a young hatchling he had bounced the giggling youth on his lap. Those were in the days long before he had even dreamed of becoming the Emperor. He let out another sigh and continued his pacing, then turned to face Balbus. "Your mission Optio, is to fly to Highever and warn their council - that the Aer are leaving; then you are to return to Aveean and prepare for the migration with the rest of us - or.. If your sympathies lie where my sources say they do... Stay behind in Darasum." The Emperor explained, clear in his voice that he'd prefer to stay on the continent himself - but being the Emperor that was impossible. If the Senate voted on migration, which they most likely were to, then he must leave with his people. Balbus stood there horrified, his dream of helping the people of the North unite against the Ironwood - was dying before his eyes. He didn't know if he still had it in him to resist without the help of his people and he was no where near ready to try and champion the cause that no one viewed as necessary.
"Yes Caesar." Balbus said quietly, he stood at attention wishing he could flee the room - waiting to be dismissed.
"You're dismissed." The Emperor said turning away and walking towards his throne, as Balbus turned to leave the room he added, "If you can find sufficient reason outside of Aveean, enough to sway the opinion of the moderates in the Senate.. Who knows, maybe we'll stay and reclaim what was once ours?" He added at the last minute much to the glee of Balbus; there was hope now, hope for a future both for the Aer but everyone in Darasum.

Yeorl Oakenleaf
Yeorl Oakenleaf

Posts : 59
Join date : 2012-12-18
Age : 29

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